Uncle Sam - Repurposed Snake Charmer Born 2010
2021 celebrating end of corona virus?
Assembly Step 1: Secure Uncle Sam and base.
Assembly Step 2: Remove Storage Bag and Shoes. Secure Fastener Bag.
Assembly Step 3: Place Uncle Sam on base. Align with base hole and secure with screw.
Assembly Step 4: Raise arm and secure with screw. Insert flag into hand.
Assembly Step 5: Secure vest together using safety pin.
Vest pinned together using safety pin and flag inserted into hand.
Assembly Step 6: Provide 12VDC power.
2016 with Talking Pumpkin demo setup
2019 with Honey Bee extraction in progress
2020 Corana Virus
2024 - Bunting on the base deteriorated
2024 Old Hair
2024 New Hair